Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's on the Needles/Camp Loopy

Happy Wednesday! Did you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend? I had a great time-I worked, knit, read and went shopping. First and foremost, I thanked and Active and Vets of our Military for all their sacrifices. Freedom isn't free after all.

But! This is about knitting! I've been plugging away at my Camp Loopy Project and it is going by so fast! I'm on the second of four lace repeats before I bind off! I know it doesn't look like much in the way of shawls (Afternoon Tea from Knitty) but it'll be adorable once it's all blocked out!

How do you feel about random adorable cat pictures? I've been making a point of sitting out on my Picnic quilt I made last year in the afternoons to enjoy the good weather. There was a lovely breeze and it wasn't too hot or cold. Thankfully, I have a semi-tolerant cat. He's my grumpy old man. 

I've recently finished the books "French Women Don't Get Fat" and "French Women for all Seasons" by Mireille Guiliano. I must say I love what SHE has to say. It's all about moderation and enjoyment. Really. She also has some AMAZING recipes. I borrowed those two books from my local library and will be buying them. I just saw that she has a cookbook recently published, so I will have to check that out as well. I like that she interjects common sense, personal stories and pleasure into the books. It not a diet book in the traditional sense, it's more...a way of life. Of enjoying life. Also, it was a fun read. 



  1. Love random cat pictures. Love your shawl even more and I will have add those books to my queue for reading.


    1. I'll make sure to add in more cat pictures when Himself allows! I fully recommend the two books, and am going to my library today to pick up the cookbook to give it a gander.
