Well, I certainly left this blog high and dry. Lots of major things have been going on in my life lately. The good, bad and ugly. Things are still rough, but I need to get back to what makes me happy. I'll resume next week with Fashion Friday Challenges (a new one to start fresh).
I'm probably going to be tossing out the Knitting posts, I think it's time I sold off everything save 6 skeins. I'm thinking of replacing it with a cooking feature where I try out a new recipe once a week and review it. I'm mostly going to give up on knitting right now because I can't afford the Physical Therapy that allowed me to "cheat" with it every now and then. Also, selling off my yarn and spinning wheel would help out financially.
It's a bit of a downer because I have some gorgeous yarn that'll be hard to part with. Ah well, that just frees up more room right?
Have a great week and I'll see you guys on Friday!