Happy Friday everyone!
I hope you had a great week-the weekend is now here! I may or may not have plans for the weekend, it depends on work-naturally. I'm on call and won't know until last minute. Go figure. So let's start off with the next Fashion Friday Challenge!
Nice simple, jeans, belt, tee and sandals for the summertime. I'm picking things I know I have and can make since I don't (as yet) have a job. What I like about this one is that it's so classic-and something you could wear year round (or, you know, change the shoes and add layers if you don't live in California, Florida or any other temperate region). Classics are classics for a reason.
In other news:
I am all about trying to bring positivity to my life and things have been testing that will power. However, I will be successful and create a beautiful life for myself. I have decided to do a re-dedication ceremony for my religion, and will be using that as my "new" old hobby. And maybe sewing. I've also decided to take steps via Mindbloom. I think you can find me under there via my blog name (growingupchic-at-gmail) Feel free to add me!! It's a great little site, chock full of inspiration and reminders to get life goals DONE! Yeah baby.
So have a great weekend and I'll post more later.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I'll be back!
Well, I certainly left this blog high and dry. Lots of major things have been going on in my life lately. The good, bad and ugly. Things are still rough, but I need to get back to what makes me happy. I'll resume next week with Fashion Friday Challenges (a new one to start fresh).
I'm probably going to be tossing out the Knitting posts, I think it's time I sold off everything save 6 skeins. I'm thinking of replacing it with a cooking feature where I try out a new recipe once a week and review it. I'm mostly going to give up on knitting right now because I can't afford the Physical Therapy that allowed me to "cheat" with it every now and then. Also, selling off my yarn and spinning wheel would help out financially.
It's a bit of a downer because I have some gorgeous yarn that'll be hard to part with. Ah well, that just frees up more room right?
Have a great week and I'll see you guys on Friday!
I'm probably going to be tossing out the Knitting posts, I think it's time I sold off everything save 6 skeins. I'm thinking of replacing it with a cooking feature where I try out a new recipe once a week and review it. I'm mostly going to give up on knitting right now because I can't afford the Physical Therapy that allowed me to "cheat" with it every now and then. Also, selling off my yarn and spinning wheel would help out financially.
It's a bit of a downer because I have some gorgeous yarn that'll be hard to part with. Ah well, that just frees up more room right?
Have a great week and I'll see you guys on Friday!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
What's on the Needles/Camp Loopy
Happy Wednesday! Did you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend? I had a great time-I worked, knit, read and went shopping. First and foremost, I thanked and Active and Vets of our Military for all their sacrifices. Freedom isn't free after all.
But! This is about knitting! I've been plugging away at my Camp Loopy Project and it is going by so fast! I'm on the second of four lace repeats before I bind off! I know it doesn't look like much in the way of shawls (Afternoon Tea from Knitty) but it'll be adorable once it's all blocked out!
But! This is about knitting! I've been plugging away at my Camp Loopy Project and it is going by so fast! I'm on the second of four lace repeats before I bind off! I know it doesn't look like much in the way of shawls (Afternoon Tea from Knitty) but it'll be adorable once it's all blocked out!
How do you feel about random adorable cat pictures? I've been making a point of sitting out on my Picnic quilt I made last year in the afternoons to enjoy the good weather. There was a lovely breeze and it wasn't too hot or cold. Thankfully, I have a semi-tolerant cat. He's my grumpy old man.
I've recently finished the books "French Women Don't Get Fat" and "French Women for all Seasons" by Mireille Guiliano. I must say I love what SHE has to say. It's all about moderation and enjoyment. Really. She also has some AMAZING recipes. I borrowed those two books from my local library and will be buying them. I just saw that she has a cookbook recently published, so I will have to check that out as well. I like that she interjects common sense, personal stories and pleasure into the books. It not a diet book in the traditional sense, it's more...a way of life. Of enjoying life. Also, it was a fun read.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Fashion Friday Challenge 3!
Happy Friday (night).
We had an impromptu book club meeting and I'm exhausted. I had a day. Thank god for my Book Club friends. So after Peach Sparking Wine from Trader Jo's, and 4 hours of sleep, I'm so ready to goto bed. But first, here's my FFC3 outfit!
I love love love this outfit. I'll probably change the skirt to a stripe (tee hee) and do minor adjustments. No link or price because I can't seem to find the information-even with Google image search. it could be the sparkling wine though. Or the lack of sleep.
Regardless, i love this outfit. Maxi skirts are so in right now and SO comfortable to wear. I can walk around all day in one at work and not feel like I have to fuss with it or anything. A plus for sure when I'm lugging around piles of clothes. It's such a summery outfit and with Memorial Day coming up, it's my kick off to summer!
So One note: Please remember that Memorial Day is in remembrance of those who have served in our military and died for our freedom. Freedom isn't free-so thank a Vet or Active Military Personnel this weekend while you enjoy the day off.
(Odd note: my husband never got it off during is time in the military it was a WORK day).
have a great weekend!!
Much Love,
We had an impromptu book club meeting and I'm exhausted. I had a day. Thank god for my Book Club friends. So after Peach Sparking Wine from Trader Jo's, and 4 hours of sleep, I'm so ready to goto bed. But first, here's my FFC3 outfit!
I love love love this outfit. I'll probably change the skirt to a stripe (tee hee) and do minor adjustments. No link or price because I can't seem to find the information-even with Google image search. it could be the sparkling wine though. Or the lack of sleep.
Regardless, i love this outfit. Maxi skirts are so in right now and SO comfortable to wear. I can walk around all day in one at work and not feel like I have to fuss with it or anything. A plus for sure when I'm lugging around piles of clothes. It's such a summery outfit and with Memorial Day coming up, it's my kick off to summer!
So One note: Please remember that Memorial Day is in remembrance of those who have served in our military and died for our freedom. Freedom isn't free-so thank a Vet or Active Military Personnel this weekend while you enjoy the day off.
(Odd note: my husband never got it off during is time in the military it was a WORK day).
have a great weekend!!
Much Love,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
What's on the Needles Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Here is a new series that I may or may not keep due to my tendonitis. I. Love. To. Knit. However, that has to be offset by the fact that my arms are "janky" (to borrow from my husbands vocabulary) and I can't knit nearly as much as I want-or used to. I will however be participating in "Camp Loopy" at the Loopy Ewe and will try my best to keep up.
Currently what's OTN is Hedera By Cookie A. and the Yarn is Nightshade by Sweet Georgia Yarns. Love. Love love love.
(Hellooooo poor quality iphone pic!) In other news, today I spent 15 minutes out in the backyard enjoying the spring breeze with my adorable troublemaker.
I love cat paws. And Quilts. Cats & Quilts make for the best combo year round.
Have a great day!
Here is a new series that I may or may not keep due to my tendonitis. I. Love. To. Knit. However, that has to be offset by the fact that my arms are "janky" (to borrow from my husbands vocabulary) and I can't knit nearly as much as I want-or used to. I will however be participating in "Camp Loopy" at the Loopy Ewe and will try my best to keep up.
Currently what's OTN is Hedera By Cookie A. and the Yarn is Nightshade by Sweet Georgia Yarns. Love. Love love love.
I love cat paws. And Quilts. Cats & Quilts make for the best combo year round.
Have a great day!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Fashion Friday Challenge 2- Complete!
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have a fun weekend in store for yourselves! Doing anything exciting? For me it's work work work. The hard part isn't the work- it's the resisting the clothing!
So this was my challenge for the week:

Here is the result:
Top: Gap
Jeans: American Eagle
Cardigan: Ann Taylor Loft
Shoes: Target (Similar)
Purse: Coach circa 2006
Glasses: Coach but bought from my Optometrist
Total Cost: $0 because I already owned all the pieces! Don't worry, next week I'm going to try to pick out something I need to work at. But, most of my closet is Classic pieces, and Classics stay Classics for a reason no?
I'm thinking up a new Post Series that I'm going to kick off next Wednesday. Hint: it's fiber related!
I hope you have a lovely weekend and I'll catch you later!
So this was my challenge for the week:
Here is the result:
Top: Gap
Jeans: American Eagle
Cardigan: Ann Taylor Loft
Shoes: Target (Similar)
Purse: Coach circa 2006
Glasses: Coach but bought from my Optometrist
Total Cost: $0 because I already owned all the pieces! Don't worry, next week I'm going to try to pick out something I need to work at. But, most of my closet is Classic pieces, and Classics stay Classics for a reason no?
I'm thinking up a new Post Series that I'm going to kick off next Wednesday. Hint: it's fiber related!
I hope you have a lovely weekend and I'll catch you later!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Fashion Friday Challenge 2!
Happy Friday! ....Ok so there's only 40 minutes left of Friday which means I'm squeaking by barely in time for Fashion Friday Challenge 2! I was busy! Reading and working! (Molly Harper Books, you can't go wrong!)
So here is the outfit I want to make:

This is actually a realistic outfit price wise...except for the necklace-it's $420! Cardi is $24, The shirt is $10, The jeans are $28, and the flats are $15. Sooo $75ish? They are all basic pieces that I think are easily translatable and again, I own pretty much everything. I'm cheating a little I know.
Mother's Day is on Sunday!! Are you doing anything special?
Love, Alexis
So here is the outfit I want to make:
This is actually a realistic outfit price wise...except for the necklace-it's $420! Cardi is $24, The shirt is $10, The jeans are $28, and the flats are $15. Sooo $75ish? They are all basic pieces that I think are easily translatable and again, I own pretty much everything. I'm cheating a little I know.
Mother's Day is on Sunday!! Are you doing anything special?
Love, Alexis
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Product Review: Boscia
Good afternoon! It's a ridiculously gorgeous day out here, all week
really. I think it's finally safe to say, Spring is here with summer on
it's way! Yesterday, I even went out to run errand in nothing but a tank
top and capris. No cardigan to be found....and anyone who knows me
would be shocked because I positively live in cardigans.
I thought a product review on some things I am using on my face would be fun. My favorite brand is Boscia, a preservative free skincare system. Now, I am not being paid in any way shape or for for this product review, if I ever am, I'll do full disclosure. I just *really* love this product.
For my daily face wash I *love* the Purifying Cleansing Gel for my normal-oily skin. My face feels so refreshed and bright and CLEAN. Which it most certainly is not after a day of Southern California air.
It cleans out so much from my skin and with it being preservative free,
I really like that I'm not putting any additional junk on my skin.
Next up is their Clear Complexion Tonic (I also enjoy the fact they call it "tonic" and not "toner". It's so, Victorian-chic?). You mist this on your face after cleansing it, with no need for cotton balls which is much better for the environment. The less that goes into our landfills the better.
I love how refreshing this product makes my face feel. All tingly and
clean. It is chocked full of good stuff for your face. Listed on their
website, the ingredients are,
"• Sasa Kurilensis Water, derived from bamboo, neutralizes blemish-causing bacteria and helps the skin’s natural ability to regulate sebum production.
• Willow Bark Extract, a natural Beta Hydroxy Acid (Salicylic Acid) derived from the Willow Tree, gently and effectively exfoliates to unclog and purify pores, and helps minimize dark spots from previous breakouts.
• Rosemary Leaf Extract, an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, helps to firm skin and visibly reduce the appearance of pores.
This product also contains the following ingredients:
• Jojoba Leaf, a powerful antioxidant, combats free radical damage while it nourishes and protects skin to prevent premature aging, and Willowherb, a unique anti-irritant, helps to calm skin inflammation and reduce visible redness and irritation."
For which I must concur. Now, I don't at present use their moisturizer, the last one I tried didn't smell at all pleasant, and with a highly sensitive nose, I really don't like strong smells on my face. I use Oil of Olay for now, but I am thinking of giving Boscia another whirl in the future. The cleanser and tonic smell just fine, as do most, I just seem to have problems with moisturizers - Boscia or not.
The last product I wanted to share is my FAVORITE MASK EVER. It's their Luminizing Black Mask.
I recently tried it out and fell in love. I as, so far, lived up to the hype. It smooths the skin, made my face less oily and my skin was a whole lost brighter for it. Oh, and it took out so much junk from my pores!! I use this once a week and it's ghastly how much it still pulls up! I think the reason for this is because it adheres to your skin like a barnacle on a ship. Lovely image no? Also, it really is black.
I will say this: they say not to put on eyes or lips and really, don't. It's a peel off mask and does it's job wonderfully, but you don't want to damage the delicate eye and lips areas. Remember? Barnacles? But god is it totally worth it. I've gotten more complements on my skin in the past month than I had in awhile.
I know they are all pricey, but your skin is so important and for me to find a product line that works so well with it makes the price worth it to me. Of course, I am not a dermatologist, or any remote kind of Health care professional, or Beauty Guru or, really, anyone with any scientific knowledge of this product. I'm just sharing the things I use and love. I hold no responsibility for any shenanigans you may get up to.
Don't forget, tomorrow is Fashion Friday Challenge 2! I'm looking forward to it since I recently got in a piece of clothing I'd been wanting since, oh, last August. Tonight, however, is Book Club! Wine, good food, friends and books? I wouldn't be anywhere else.
....Except London or Paris.....but they feel the same way. ;) Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow!
I thought a product review on some things I am using on my face would be fun. My favorite brand is Boscia, a preservative free skincare system. Now, I am not being paid in any way shape or for for this product review, if I ever am, I'll do full disclosure. I just *really* love this product.
For my daily face wash I *love* the Purifying Cleansing Gel for my normal-oily skin. My face feels so refreshed and bright and CLEAN. Which it most certainly is not after a day of Southern California air.
Next up is their Clear Complexion Tonic (I also enjoy the fact they call it "tonic" and not "toner". It's so, Victorian-chic?). You mist this on your face after cleansing it, with no need for cotton balls which is much better for the environment. The less that goes into our landfills the better.
"• Sasa Kurilensis Water, derived from bamboo, neutralizes blemish-causing bacteria and helps the skin’s natural ability to regulate sebum production.
• Willow Bark Extract, a natural Beta Hydroxy Acid (Salicylic Acid) derived from the Willow Tree, gently and effectively exfoliates to unclog and purify pores, and helps minimize dark spots from previous breakouts.
• Rosemary Leaf Extract, an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, helps to firm skin and visibly reduce the appearance of pores.
This product also contains the following ingredients:
• Jojoba Leaf, a powerful antioxidant, combats free radical damage while it nourishes and protects skin to prevent premature aging, and Willowherb, a unique anti-irritant, helps to calm skin inflammation and reduce visible redness and irritation."
For which I must concur. Now, I don't at present use their moisturizer, the last one I tried didn't smell at all pleasant, and with a highly sensitive nose, I really don't like strong smells on my face. I use Oil of Olay for now, but I am thinking of giving Boscia another whirl in the future. The cleanser and tonic smell just fine, as do most, I just seem to have problems with moisturizers - Boscia or not.
The last product I wanted to share is my FAVORITE MASK EVER. It's their Luminizing Black Mask.
I know they are all pricey, but your skin is so important and for me to find a product line that works so well with it makes the price worth it to me. Of course, I am not a dermatologist, or any remote kind of Health care professional, or Beauty Guru or, really, anyone with any scientific knowledge of this product. I'm just sharing the things I use and love. I hold no responsibility for any shenanigans you may get up to.
Don't forget, tomorrow is Fashion Friday Challenge 2! I'm looking forward to it since I recently got in a piece of clothing I'd been wanting since, oh, last August. Tonight, however, is Book Club! Wine, good food, friends and books? I wouldn't be anywhere else.
....Except London or Paris.....but they feel the same way. ;) Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Fashion Friday Challenge 1 Complete!
Happy Friday! I pulled together this outfit (remember last Friday's post?) over the week and kept waiting for someone to be home during the daytime to take a decent picture. Alas, it was not meant to be. So until I can A: find my camera charger and B: get one of those camera remotes, please bear with the less-than-stellar iphone pictures.
Here's the Polyvore outfit and my version of it!
The Sunglasses on my outfit are Tory Burch (here), the jeans are from American Eagle (similar here), the blouse and Ring From Ann Taylor Loft (similar top and here). The shoes are from Target (black here) and the Bracelets are from my Best Friend who brought them back for me from a trip to Jordan.
Honestly, the sunglasses were the most expensive-but then, my hubs bought them for me on sale, last November for our 4 year anniversary. The only thing I had to buy was the ring from Loft, everything else was in my closet.
The changes made were on the shoes and bracelet. I have a few pairs of red shoes-but no flats- that I never wear and I really couldn't justify buying another new pair. Not that I didn't look mind you, but it was a good thing I didn't find what I wanted. As for the bracelet, The one shown was not to my taste so I opted for artistic license and swapped it for 3 silver bangle bracelets.
Total spent:$8.00. Way cheaper than $1300 no?
What are your plans for this weekend? I'm going to a charity luncheon for my mom's Women's Club and starting my first day of "real work" at Loft! I'm so excited!Also, I may already have an item for my next FF Challenge!
Love, Alexis
Here's the Polyvore outfit and my version of it!
The Sunglasses on my outfit are Tory Burch (here), the jeans are from American Eagle (similar here), the blouse and Ring From Ann Taylor Loft (similar top and here). The shoes are from Target (black here) and the Bracelets are from my Best Friend who brought them back for me from a trip to Jordan.
Honestly, the sunglasses were the most expensive-but then, my hubs bought them for me on sale, last November for our 4 year anniversary. The only thing I had to buy was the ring from Loft, everything else was in my closet.
The changes made were on the shoes and bracelet. I have a few pairs of red shoes-but no flats- that I never wear and I really couldn't justify buying another new pair. Not that I didn't look mind you, but it was a good thing I didn't find what I wanted. As for the bracelet, The one shown was not to my taste so I opted for artistic license and swapped it for 3 silver bangle bracelets.
Total spent:$8.00. Way cheaper than $1300 no?
What are your plans for this weekend? I'm going to a charity luncheon for my mom's Women's Club and starting my first day of "real work" at Loft! I'm so excited!Also, I may already have an item for my next FF Challenge!
Love, Alexis
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Ann Taylor Loft!
Hello, hello! I hope everything is going swimmingly in your neck of the woods. Things here are improving daily, I am glad to say.
Monday evening I found out I was hired at Ann Taylor Loft! So exciting! Yesterday, I went in to fill out paperwork and do some initial training. Part of that was to try on clothing to see the various fits on the pants. Part of my job is to try on cute clothes and make outfits. HOW is this work? Soooooo today I went shopping! (I know). We are having a store meeting on Sunday and I'm told pictures will be taken so I wanted to make sure I had a great outfit (and backup) planned.
Plus, while a lot of my clothing IS from Ann Taylor/Loft, most if it isn't current and (yadda yadda) because (excuse to buy new clothes) also (super cute things in the store). Wouldn't you agree? So first, the dress I had to have: Ruched-Bodice-Maxi-Dress The picture does NOT do it justice. I'll make up an outfit this weekend with it and post it when I can. It's very Grecian and ridiculously comfortable. It's also expensive for a jersey knit dress. It's $89.50 and while I love it to pieces, it's something I would have passed over because of the price. However, it *really* makes your body look great.
Up next is the Split Neck Henley Blouse. Which is all kinds of fabulous! Also, VERY sheer. It's 100% Polyester and is actually breathable. Surprise Surprise. It looks great pared with Capri's (which I bought), a knee length skirt (which I own), the Pin Tucked Maxi Skirt (with a belt for waist definition-I almost bought it but refrained because I was trying to be good), tucked into slacks for work wear, and jeans. For serious, that's a lot of outfits.
I also picked up a few camis, a scarf, pale pink jeans, a ring (to be featured on Friday!) and these earrings. Now, I adore these earrings but by George, they are seriously heavy. I'm not too big on wearing heavy earrings because I don't like the pull on my ears, so unfortunately, they will go back.
There were a ton of other cute things I passed by (the dresses) but, I did keep reminding myself that it's not like I won't be back soon! I'm still on the job hunt for a "day job" and I really applied at Loft mostly to have fun, and work with people my own age.
I'm looking forward to Friday! Not only will my first Fashion Friday Challenge go up, but I am also meeting up with my book-club before one of our members moves to another state. Friends, fashion, books and since it'll be at our local coffie house- Coffee! How could one NOT enjoy that?
Have a great day!
Monday evening I found out I was hired at Ann Taylor Loft! So exciting! Yesterday, I went in to fill out paperwork and do some initial training. Part of that was to try on clothing to see the various fits on the pants. Part of my job is to try on cute clothes and make outfits. HOW is this work? Soooooo today I went shopping! (I know). We are having a store meeting on Sunday and I'm told pictures will be taken so I wanted to make sure I had a great outfit (and backup) planned.
Plus, while a lot of my clothing IS from Ann Taylor/Loft, most if it isn't current and (yadda yadda) because (excuse to buy new clothes) also (super cute things in the store). Wouldn't you agree? So first, the dress I had to have: Ruched-Bodice-Maxi-Dress The picture does NOT do it justice. I'll make up an outfit this weekend with it and post it when I can. It's very Grecian and ridiculously comfortable. It's also expensive for a jersey knit dress. It's $89.50 and while I love it to pieces, it's something I would have passed over because of the price. However, it *really* makes your body look great.
Up next is the Split Neck Henley Blouse. Which is all kinds of fabulous! Also, VERY sheer. It's 100% Polyester and is actually breathable. Surprise Surprise. It looks great pared with Capri's (which I bought), a knee length skirt (which I own), the Pin Tucked Maxi Skirt (with a belt for waist definition-I almost bought it but refrained because I was trying to be good), tucked into slacks for work wear, and jeans. For serious, that's a lot of outfits.
I also picked up a few camis, a scarf, pale pink jeans, a ring (to be featured on Friday!) and these earrings. Now, I adore these earrings but by George, they are seriously heavy. I'm not too big on wearing heavy earrings because I don't like the pull on my ears, so unfortunately, they will go back.
There were a ton of other cute things I passed by (the dresses) but, I did keep reminding myself that it's not like I won't be back soon! I'm still on the job hunt for a "day job" and I really applied at Loft mostly to have fun, and work with people my own age.
I'm looking forward to Friday! Not only will my first Fashion Friday Challenge go up, but I am also meeting up with my book-club before one of our members moves to another state. Friends, fashion, books and since it'll be at our local coffie house- Coffee! How could one NOT enjoy that?
Have a great day!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Fashion Friday Challenge 1!
Happy Friday!
Yesterday I interviewed for a sales position at Ann Taylor Loft- and I think I blew them out of the water (immodest as that sounds). Here's the thing, it's only-at most-15 hours a week. Which is totally fine. If I worked one 4 hour shift a week I'd be pleased as punch because I'm still going to have to get a "real" job. IE: one that pays the bills. I really applied for this job to work with people my own age, who are interested in fashion and HELLO! the employee discount. It's a good one. I'll find out next Thursday whether or not I got the job, I'll keep you updated.
One of the things I want to start doing is "Fashion Friday". You know how on Pinterest you see all the amazing Polyvore outfits and think, "Oh, yes, I want to wear that!", then you pin it, then never look at it again? That's totally me. But not anymore! If you go to my "Fashion Friday Outfits" Pinterest Board, you'll see I've collected outfits I want to wear. Any quick glance at the items will show that they are, for the most part, way out of my non-existent fashion budget.
So every other Friday I'm going to pick one outfit and then spend the following week making my own version of it. Then, the Friday after I'll show you what I came up with! So for my First Fashion Friday (we'll start our easy hmmm?) Here's the outfit I have in mind:
The blouse is $79, Shoes $375, Bracelet $195, Ring $594 (!!), and the Jeans are $80. Now, I don't know about you but I cannot spend $1323 on an outfit I can create for a ton less!!! I mean, Really! I could pull this outfit out of my closet right now and would have spent under $200 (my sunglasses were expensive). Well, probably. The shoes I am thinking of adding were a bit more, but bought years ago.
So there you have it, my first Fashion Friday challenge. I hope you guys have a lovely weekend (it's going to be gorgeous here)-I know I will. A friend of mine from pre-school is getting married tomorrow and then Sunday is my day to roller-blade with the hubby!
Yesterday I interviewed for a sales position at Ann Taylor Loft- and I think I blew them out of the water (immodest as that sounds). Here's the thing, it's only-at most-15 hours a week. Which is totally fine. If I worked one 4 hour shift a week I'd be pleased as punch because I'm still going to have to get a "real" job. IE: one that pays the bills. I really applied for this job to work with people my own age, who are interested in fashion and HELLO! the employee discount. It's a good one. I'll find out next Thursday whether or not I got the job, I'll keep you updated.
One of the things I want to start doing is "Fashion Friday". You know how on Pinterest you see all the amazing Polyvore outfits and think, "Oh, yes, I want to wear that!", then you pin it, then never look at it again? That's totally me. But not anymore! If you go to my "Fashion Friday Outfits" Pinterest Board, you'll see I've collected outfits I want to wear. Any quick glance at the items will show that they are, for the most part, way out of my non-existent fashion budget.
So every other Friday I'm going to pick one outfit and then spend the following week making my own version of it. Then, the Friday after I'll show you what I came up with! So for my First Fashion Friday (we'll start our easy hmmm?) Here's the outfit I have in mind:
The blouse is $79, Shoes $375, Bracelet $195, Ring $594 (!!), and the Jeans are $80. Now, I don't know about you but I cannot spend $1323 on an outfit I can create for a ton less!!! I mean, Really! I could pull this outfit out of my closet right now and would have spent under $200 (my sunglasses were expensive). Well, probably. The shoes I am thinking of adding were a bit more, but bought years ago.
So there you have it, my first Fashion Friday challenge. I hope you guys have a lovely weekend (it's going to be gorgeous here)-I know I will. A friend of mine from pre-school is getting married tomorrow and then Sunday is my day to roller-blade with the hubby!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Using Google to Find What You Want!
Good Evening! Today was a good Sunday for myself! I went rollerblading with the husband because A: we are trying to get fit and B: It was just a GORGEOUS day out:
Afterwards, we started laundry, watched some tv and then took off to Ikea to walk around and to get dinner. I have so many new ideas from Ikea that I want to try. Dinner at Panera was delish, and now I feel like I ought to be back and exercising again because I had their sinfully delish Mac and Cheese.
Also, thanks to the hubs, I found a mug I've been pining after for forever. FOR-EVAH!
I found this image on Pinterest (addicted? Me? Yes!):

But I simply COULD NOT find where that mug was from. For MONTHS. Drove me crazy. So the Hubs showed me how to use Google to find out where the original source of the photo is. Basically, you go to images.google - copy and paste, or upload form your computer or drag the photo over and put it in the search bar. Hit search and Volia! (You can find your very own here. It's from Anthropologie.) I'll post a Picture when mine comes in. I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!
I know there was a huge delay in between the first post and this one. I wound up getting majorly sick, forgetting the password (d'oh!) and losing my job. However, not working 8 hours a day right now means more posting opportunities! I wasn't completely not thinking about this blog-I've been dreaming up for re-occurring post themes:
Fashion-Using Pinterest to be more fashionable.
Being creative!
I've already got some outlined that just need to be typed up. :) I hope you have a great week this coming week and stay tuned for exciting things!
Afterwards, we started laundry, watched some tv and then took off to Ikea to walk around and to get dinner. I have so many new ideas from Ikea that I want to try. Dinner at Panera was delish, and now I feel like I ought to be back and exercising again because I had their sinfully delish Mac and Cheese.
Also, thanks to the hubs, I found a mug I've been pining after for forever. FOR-EVAH!
I found this image on Pinterest (addicted? Me? Yes!):
But I simply COULD NOT find where that mug was from. For MONTHS. Drove me crazy. So the Hubs showed me how to use Google to find out where the original source of the photo is. Basically, you go to images.google - copy and paste, or upload form your computer or drag the photo over and put it in the search bar. Hit search and Volia! (You can find your very own here. It's from Anthropologie.) I'll post a Picture when mine comes in. I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!
I know there was a huge delay in between the first post and this one. I wound up getting majorly sick, forgetting the password (d'oh!) and losing my job. However, not working 8 hours a day right now means more posting opportunities! I wasn't completely not thinking about this blog-I've been dreaming up for re-occurring post themes:
Fashion-Using Pinterest to be more fashionable.
Being creative!
I've already got some outlined that just need to be typed up. :) I hope you have a great week this coming week and stay tuned for exciting things!
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